Notes Functionality

Notes functionality is made available with below features:

  • Make a note of something that is very personal and mark it as ‘Confidential’
  • Any notes that are marked as ‘Confidential’ will be accessible only to you
  • You can attach documents, if required any
  • A Note can be made accessible to someone of your choice by selecting ‘Custom’ option
  • A note can also be created and make it accessible to everyone by marking it as ‘Public’

You can access all Notes by clicking on ‘Notes’ from the Menu. By default, you will see all the Notes you created and the Notes accessible to you. You may filter them by selecting various options available in the ‘Filters’ section.

You can create a note by selecting the button “Create Note” as below.

Create Note

Enter all required fields like Title, Description, Attach documents (if any) and choose the level of permission for it (Confidential / Public / Custom).

Update Note

Clicking on a Note will open the details page where you can make comments or update the original Note.

A Note will have status of ‘Active’ and ‘Closed’. All Notes that are marked as ‘Closed’ will be hidden by default. However, they can be seen by updating the Filters.